
Friday, August 28, 2015

26th day on the road! Now in Drummondville near Montreal.

Yesterday was a 350 mile day with 3 thunderstorms that I had hoped would clean me off and the bike. It didn't work.  The bike is still a mess.  Nice day of riding and met a guy on the ferry coming down from Minnesota.  I asked where he had been and with a huge smile said he had just done the Labrador Highway.  There were high fives all around for 2 guys!  He said it's pretty dumb to do that road alone.  I agreed and we both laughed!  Beautiful ride on the edge of the St. Lawrence with good roads and pretty farm settings.
Drummondville is on the outskirts of Montreal and is 1 hr from the border crossing on I-87 so today I am going to Ann & Tony's house in Mayfield, a 240 mile ride that will take me through the Adirondacks and should be a pretty ride.  Looks like good weather, again!
It will be nice being able to read the road signs again and knowing where I am going!


  1. Great adventure John! Glad you are safe and heading home.

  2. Thanks Tom! It has been a wonderful experience. Getting the urge to book some miles tomorrow. 547 miles home, I had planned to break it up but I guess it depends on how I feel in the morning.



2nd attempt to complete the NC vehicle ferry ride!

In May, Paul Ashworth and I set off to ride all the vehicle ferries in NC.  On that trip we rode on 6 of the ferries leaving 4 to wrap up on...