
Monday, November 9, 2020

Willville Motorcycle Campground closes for the season.

 As camping season comes to an end, we celebrate with a chili dinner at Willville.  I left Cary in beautiful 65 degree clear day for my mid-day ride up.  I took all back roads to enjoy the fall colors and scenery.  This route parallels the NC/VA border and takes me to Squirrel Spure Rd.

A beautiful twisting road up the mountain into Meadows of Dan.  I mostly see the occasional motorcycle on this road since it is much more scenic than the faster Rt. 58 in VA.  Before I left I checked the weather to see what to pack.  Hmmm, seems the nightly lows would be in the mid 30's so I booked a room in the local 1950's strip motel.  Not a very nice place but warm with hot water for a shower.  I kind of view it as a lower level of camping without the tent and sleeping bag.  Ray and Jeff that I ride with stayed here two weeks prior and slept in their sleeping bags on the beds, not wanting to use the sheets.  I hate to say it but I have slept in worse places.

I checked in with Will at the campground to see if he needed anything then ran a couple of errands for him.  Good crowd at the campground for closing weekend.  There were 5 different chili's and all of them were very good with varying degrees of heat!  It is hard to choose a winner as the best since all of the chili was gone.

 It was a fun group and since I have been here several times, I am starting to recognize the characters and enjoy spending time with them.

Following the feast everyone retired to the fire pit for the nightly fire, beverage and stories of road miles.  The people here come from everywhere.  One from New Mexico and he spends the summer here in a little cabin on Will's property.  One attendee rode his scooter from Florida and Will says he comes on it every year.  I don't think there is but one common thread between us except for our love of motorcycles.  

The campfire lasts to around 11:00 with most pealing off early.  You could tell that it was getting colder since the picture in the after was spread out around the fire and after dark the crowd moved in closer to the fire.  The low this night would be 35 degrees.  I am very glad I had a room at the no-tell motel!

It was a big fire to keep us all warm!

There was one thing that did hang over the whole weekend and that was the sudden death of Dan that worked there at the campground.  He was fascinating to talk to with an amazing knowledge of the environment.  Good natured and concerned for all living people and animals.  He died suddenly in a head-on collision on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Floyd.  Many in attendance just found out about it when they arrived.  Dan was driving his pickup truck.  He is missed by everyone.

Many thanks to Will for creating this unique camping adventure that we all love.  It was the right place to go during Covid-19 or anytime.  Thank you Will.

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