
Monday, October 2, 2023

NC State Parks - Chimney Rock

 Chimney Rock State Park

Not a typical park, no lake as such but very near Lake Lure, no camping, no cabins but the ride up is awesome and the view from the top is well worth the gate fee ($16).  

I couldn't check in to the motel until after 3 PM so I found lunch at a Japanese Steakhouse next to Lake Lure.  It is off season for tourists and I was told by a local that they couldn't even tell me which restaurants were open.  Seems that after Labor Day many close up shop and take a vacation.

I entered the Gate for Chimney Rock and for 3 miles it was a narrow winding road little wider than 1 1/2 car widths.  I was glad to be on the motorcycle except cars like to cut corners and there were a lot of switchbacks.  The ticket office was a breeze then another 3 miles to the top where it was a challenge finding a flat spot to park the bike.  There was no line at the elevator and I quickly reached the top.  There was an amazing view and there were 3-4 different short hiking trails to see different things.

The longest trail was 1 1/2 miles round trip.  Ha, I can do that!  I was already exhausted taking the steps down from the Rock to the trail to Hickory Nut Falls.  How bad could it was up hill all the way with rocks, roots and few flat spaces.  The falls were well worth it and the trip back seemed much shorter. 

A little nap was in order and I had earned a rest.    I checked in to the Geneva Motel and Tiki Bar, not one of your better establishments and after dinner at the Tiki Bar settled in for Monday Night Football and rest


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