Hanging Rock State Park
I believe the ranger said that the park was 9,000 acres offering the full range of park attractions.
I really wanted to spend more time here but I have developed a blister on my left foot and hiking trails was not going to happen. I would have to be happy with a ride through and a visit with the local ranger. Seems that I was the second person today that was going to do the 42 parks this year.
The next stop is all too familiar to most North Carolinians, Pilot Mountain. This geologic formation has been a navigational landmark for centuries. The ride from Hanging Rock was rather challenging. The GPS had me looking for a road with a name I will not repeat and when I found it the name had been changed in keeping with what is acceptable today. Unfortunately, it was a small gravel driveway that led to a barn and a dead end. I then linked together no less than 20, 3 mile sections eventually finding the other end of the dead end road.
Approaching the mountain signs were posted that the parking lot on top was full with no spaces available. I proceeded anyway because the ride up is stunning and, yes, there were parking spots.
The view is well worth the trip up and there are numerous trails to overlooks in different directions. It is a shame that the skies were hazy. Picnic tables are everywhere and for the hearty sole you can park at the bottom and hike up the mountain. I wouldn't do it!Parked near me was a man putting on his spare tire. I had thought to offer him my repair kit and pump but it doesn't seem to be of use. As I left the park his complete circular tire was in the middle of the road.
My lunch stop was McDonalds. My wife wanted me to check on the Bluegrass music played there years ago. We even went 5 years ago just for it but it didn't happen due to power outages. The Pilot Mountain McDonalds had a reputation for Monday Night Bluegrass and people would come from far away just to sit and listen. The place would be packed by 4:00 and management didn't require you to buy food there. People brought their own chair. The manager told me he is trying to restart this since many people request it. He is trying to find bands. I didn't offer my minimal banjo skills, it could have been my first gig!I pulled into Willville Motorcycle Campground in Meadows of Dan, VA at around 4:00 and set up my hammock. There were only 3 other people there on a Sunday night but at 7:00 a group of 20 had arrived.
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